Saturday, July 29, 2006

goodbye quite-dark days

I am leaving twss in a week’s time. Stormy days over there..but I have learnt and gained so much. Finally took an MC yesterday as I know my body was breaking down. Spoke at Vignettes – art education forum at NAFA, Lee Foundation Theatre. Thank God for His grace that is always faithful and enduring. Also very thankful to Weng and Lee for their support, I feel so cushioned to be the speaker between them. Thinking back, it looks glamorous to be in a situation like this, and perhaps, that is where I like to be. Conversations with James make me reflect upon what I have been looking for. Inspired with his hectic schedule? I think I am more inspired for the fact that he had been living happily for the past 10 years and he IS happy most of the time. Although he can be pushy so very often, I am glad he is still humane enough to drop a word of concern. Like what Clifford had mentioned, leadership from front, back, side and within. Now as I am escalating in leadership positioning, I wonder what kind of leadership I am about to assume. The future is congested with challenges that will either sharpen one or cut one like a knife. But in obedience, come what may,

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. -- Philippians 3:14

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