I was born 24 years ago on this very date. This year’s birthday is a birthday of an extended version of celebration, really because there are many people I love whom I want to spend my birthday with. I always love my birthday because it happens only once a year and that makes it very very special. I may be narcissistic, I may be exhibitionist, but deep down within, I know I have learnt to love myself so much more compared to those days that were trodden and self-effacing. Today, during worship, my heart pounded with an acute sense of thanksgiving, and I felt the embrace of God extremely tangible. God truly has soldiered this walk with me, and made life possible, better to live each day. If a birthday privileges me to have a birthday wish, I am choosing to revise my new year resolutions for this year. As I flipped back to the blog entry in the beginning of this year, this is what it reads:
Set new year resolutions for this year and I must ACHIEVE THEM.1. serve in a particular ministry in church, either MUSIC or DANCE2. serve more in cg3. balance between school, frens, family and church4. Meet a right guy (This is an additional one that I did not share in cg ^_^)I want to grow more like Jesus this year by reading more of His word. Attend bible studies this year on a regular basis.
It is almost obvious which are the resolutions I have fuilfilled and which I have not. In God’s timing, faith is really about “Forsaking All I Trust Him”.
This is my life verse for this year:For I know that this will turn out for my deliverance through your prayer and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, according to my earnest expectation and hope that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ will be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.Philippians 1:19-20
And I have lived on with this life verse fairly well too
To the fact of turning 24. When I was young, I have always imagined 24 years old with this image of myself strolling down the yuppy road with a black portfolio, sashaying with a stylish gradeur as a designer. Though this did not come through, I am proud to say that the road I am travelling on now is a road of eternity, it does not matter what I wear and who I am in the earthly sense, but where the heart longs for. I have learnt not to push my way with God and to trust that He has only the best for me. I am no longer in search for the best because, I already have the best. As I continue to live out my life sensibly, and to live a life for God’s destined people, my faith teaches me that I will be able to see what I believe one day though for now, it is believing in what I cannot see.
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