today i was so tired on the way to tuition that i probably slept on few peoples' shoulders.
but i really love the sermon today, it speaks to me in a way that cures the itch of the flesh.the 3 foundational stones of lifestyle 1) satisfaction 2) security 3) significance.. we all succumb to these 3 stones for a definition of our identities in this life. to have the greatest satisfaction out of an exotic holiday, out of our luxury cars and branded tai tai handbags.satisfaction even from our own partners and best friends. we save to have security, we invest to have a better future, we earn more so that we can do more than survive. we want to be somebody, at least to be recognised for our little efforts, we want to make a difference and an impact, we want to be loved, we do not want to be written off the track of history.
however, the bible speaks more volumes of truth for these 3 foundational stones; and we all find ourselves trapped in this guilty net of foolishness.
in looking for satisfaction, we cannot be passively consuming without compassion. God champions the poor. God gave us the ability to work not for money, not to impress, but to share.
"He who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with his own hands, that he may have something to share with those in need.' epesians 4:28
in finding security, beware of possessions without peace. when is the last ostentatious good that you bought that you are so worried that you will lose it, scratch it or spoil it? what true value is there in it? that you are hugging it in your dreams and thoughts? it may be a car, a branded something. isnt it, at the end of the day, bought to staisfy some incurable want within, that serves little value ultimately? why build treasures here that you cannot take away?
"Sell your possessions and give to the poor. Provide purses for yourselves that will not wear out, a treasure in heaven that will not be exhausted, where no thief comes near and no moth destroys." luke 12:33
in gaining significance, beware of status without substance. it is self-explanatory. why blow ur head with a hat too big? build urself within and do not seek the temporal.
"He said to them, "You are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men, but God knows your hearts. What is highly valued among men is detestable in God's sight." luke 16:15
this is not said to unpack some truths that slaps one heard to his/her conscience. but to teach us: How now shall we live?
-increase your expenditure much more slowly than your income
-periodically deny yourslef the pleasures of life. (it is not about having deprived lives)
-budget as much for charity as luxury
-make as many mission trips as holiday trips (do something significant in your trips overseas!)
-give recklessly every now and then (don't be a stingy poke)
-maintain a priority relationship with God
where do you find wisdom in your living? is it from intellectual books or peoples' lives? the bible is one book,inspired by GOD, that you can find both intellect and testimonies of peoples' lives -- that is true wisdom within.