Monday, December 05, 2005

Genderly Undermind

Michael Shaowanasai, Rochit Tanedo, Thanavi Chotpradit, Virginia as facilitator

Rochit (The Creative Collective Center- who owns women’s bodies?) showed the audience a video by a thespian in a monologue. The ownership of the body, is it innate or a choice over possession? Rights are questioned in actuality. In Thailand, there are no contraceptive pills in the government and people have no money to buy contraception.
Thanavi brought us through an extensive research on women’s position in the society through history. The patriarchy in the society since the beginning of Man.
Genesis 2:23 This is now bone of my bones, And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, Because she is taken out of Man.
Body as a social invention.
Michael, a witty speaker, introduced his profession as an artist who employed the female body/makeup-posing as females in his photographs which are the physical artworks. Although Buddhism is the national and dominant religion in Thailand, the people are blessed with liberty in what they do. For example, the sex culture in Thailand. However, homosexuality remains a stigma prevalent in the mindset of Thais.

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